The use of cloud
computing is on an exponential rise, as it offers users almost unlimited
storage of data, reduces the need for organisations to have physical servers
and allows easy access to information from anywhere in the world. As such, many
UK based organisations are now turning to cloud computing to satisfy their data
storage needs.
But there is one issue which seeks to
bring grey clouds over an otherwise silver lining and that is data security.
By using the cloud instead of a physical storage device, organisations are
obliged to hand over data to a third party cloud provider, some or all of which
might be personal data within the meaning of the Data Protection Act. An organisation
must therefore be sure, before it enters into a contract with a cloud provider,
that its information will be kept securely and the provider’s handling of data will
be compliant with the Act and any other applicable laws.
Before you embark upon acquiring a
business which uses cloud computing or are thinking of purchasing software
which is cloud based, below are ten questions your organisation should ask the provider:
will the servers be based on which our data would be stored?
Is there any
possibility of it being transferred outside the EU (assuming the servers are EU-based)?
you use any subcontractors for the storing of our data and if so, who are they
and where are they based; if any are based in the US, are they a member of the US
Safe Harbor Scheme?
you ISO 27001 and/or 9001 and/or 27017/8 certified and/or certified by any
other data security organisation? Please
supply a copy of any relevant certificates.
other information can you send me to allay any concerns about the security of
your systems?
you ever had a security breach and was any client data lost or accessed?
other organisations do you supply your hosted system to? Can we see a list and
can you supply up to three names of any that we can contact for a reference
Would your
organisation be prepared to enter into a data processing agreement?
you please send me your terms of business and any other terms which we would
have to sign up to in order to receive the hosted service?
is the position and process regarding the return of our organisation’s data, in
the event that the agreement was terminated, came to an end or your
organisation ceased to trade?
Miller is a solicitor and partner and Lauren Mitchum a trainee solicitor at Stone King LLP, providing specialist
advice in the fields of intellectual property, IT, data protection and
commercial law.
If you
would like further information about the Regulations or if you have any
concerns or queries in relation to them, please contact
Disclaimer: This article may not be reproduced
without the prior written permission of the author. This article reflects the
current law and practice. It is general in nature, and does not purport in any
way to be comprehensive or a substitute for specialist legal advice in
individual circumstances.
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