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Showing posts from 2012

ICO imposes fine of £250,000 for data protection breach by Scottish council

A Scottish council hired a man known as ‘GS’ to “digitise” its employees’ pension records with no written contract in place between the Scottish council and GS containing the data processing and security requirements specified by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).   Files containing Council employees’ names, addresses, national insurance numbers and, in some cases, individual’s salary and bank account details, had been dumped in a supermarket’s recycling bank and found by a member of the public.   In its civil monetary penalty notice, the ICO said that approximately 8,000 pension records, some of which included details of ill health benefits, had been digitised by GS.  GS would send to the council by standard post unencrypted discs containing the information.  It said that the council was unaware that GS was disposing of the paper records in recycling banks.   The ICO said in its civil monetary notice “ The Commissione...

Jail Sentences for Data Protection Offenders

The House of Commons' Home Affairs Select Committee are encouraging the Home Secretary to introduce jail sentences as a possible punishment for data protection offenders. This is to act as a stronger deterrent than the current, quite ineffective fines.  It is generally unlawful for a person to "knowingly or recklessly without the consent of the data controller obtain or disclose personal data or the information contained in personal data, or procure the disclosure to another person of the information contained in personal data", under Section 55 of the Data Protection Act (DPA). But now, personal data has never been easier to access and the risks of information being leaked are an increasing concern. There are many new suppliers of information who are unlikely to understand or take notice of the rules to which they must comply. While the maximum fine for committing a section 55 offence is £5,000 when the case is heard in a Magistrates Court, and unlimited when ...

Torbay Care Trust Fined For Data Protection Breaches

As a result of breaching data protection laws, the Torbay Care Trust has been fined £175,000 by the ICO. A spreadsheet containing "sensitive" information about the employees' religion and sexuality; as well as names, dates of birth and national insurance numbers was published on to their website. The ICO said that such information was likely to cause substantial damage and/or distress to those who had had their details exposed. What is more, head of enforcement with the ICO, Stephen Eckersley, highlighted that the release of such information put staff at risk of being victims of identity fraud. The breach only came to light when a member of the public reported it 19 weeks after it was posted, the ICO said. The Data Protection Act (DPA) requires organisations to exercise the appropriate organisational measures to eliminate the risk of such sensitive information being used without authorisation. This includes the need to have "effective policies and procedures ...

Cloud Service Providers Now Subject To Scrutiny Of Assurance Registry

After mounting concerns relating to the security of cloud computing, a new online platform is to enable users to assess the security features of registered cloud providers. The Security, Trust & Assurance Registry (STAR) hopes to encourage providers to improve their data protection security thanks to this increased transparency, as well as aid organisations using the providers to comply with data protection laws. The Working Party drew attention to firm’s lack of control over customer’s personal data when using cloud services. As cloud computing uses an internet based network in place of local computing resources, they stated that there is risk of "loss of governance, insecure or incomplete data deletion, insufficient audit trails or isolation failures," by organisations using these providers.          Operated by not-for-profit body the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), STAR hopes to limit such risks to data protection. The CSA’s members in...

Data Leaks Prevalent Amongst Staff and Contractors

A twenty-five page report by security outfit Symantec has concluded that contractors and employees are the main cause for person data breaches in the UK. According to the report, thirty-six  firms in the UK covering eleven different industries has experienced data breaches during 2011 which resulted in a notification to the Information Commissioner. Apparently the data breaches were caused over a third of the time by " a negligent employee or contractor " whilst " system glitches " were responsible for another third of the instances. The glitches account for " a combination of both IT and business process failures ," the report said. Malicious or criminal attacks were the cause of the remaining one third of cases. Symantec expressed the view that the amount of information breached on average had fallen and that a larger number of customers were remaining loyal to companies that had lost data. " The average abnormal churn decreased from 3....