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Thirteen Point Guide to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The General Data Protection Regulation (“ GDPR ”) will come into force and apply to all EU member states from 25 May 2018. The UK’s decision to leave the EU will not affect the commencement of the GDPR. It contains eighty-eight pages, 99 articles and 173 related recitals and is therefore no small piece of legislation. Overall, the principles under the GDPR are similar to those under the current Data Protection Act. However, there are new elements and significant enhancements; particularly in relation to accountability. The GDPR puts the onus on organisations to show how it complies with the data protection principles and there is a greater emphasis on documenting specific activities. Other  key changes  to be aware of include: Wider scope of application  – certain definitions under the GDPR have been broadened, for example, the definition of “personal data”. Higher penalties  – the GDPR introduces tougher sanctions, including administrativ...
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ICO imposes fine of £250,000 for data protection breach by Scottish council

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Jail Sentences for Data Protection Offenders

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Torbay Care Trust Fined For Data Protection Breaches

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